Monday, 15 December 2014

Social / economic inequality

What is it?
Where did it come from?
Will it always exist?
Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Modern day thinkers such as Pinker ("The Blank Slate") and Picketty ("Capital in the Twenty-first Century") have tackled this issue. Do you agree with their findings and conclusions?

What's your opinion?

1 comment:

  1. Here is my opinion:

    1. Humans are not created equal. We are not blank slates. We are products of our nature and our nurture. This is the main conclusion of the Pinker book.
    2. Differences should be celebrated.
    3. The unequal distribution of wealth and opportunity prevents many from reaching their potential.
    4. Over the last 50 years, the classes of people in western society that have existing wealth have increased their net worth far more than those who live by labour. This is the main conclusion of the Piketty book.
    5. The 'capital class' uses existing mechanisms and promotes new mechanisms in government and industry to increase their wealth and power. Sometimes legally sometimes illegally.
    6. The status quo is not sustainable.

    The system will not change on its own. Only a force from the masses will change this. See Robert Reich's books and especially his documentary, 'How Capitalism is Killing Democracy'.

    What form should this force take?
