Monday, 15 December 2014

Social / economic inequality

What is it?
Where did it come from?
Will it always exist?
Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Modern day thinkers such as Pinker ("The Blank Slate") and Picketty ("Capital in the Twenty-first Century") have tackled this issue. Do you agree with their findings and conclusions?

What's your opinion?

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Singularity.... Ray Kurzweil

'The Singularity is Near'
Ray Kurzweil describes a point in time where humanity must re-define itself. The fields of genetics, robotics, medicine, nanotechnology, computers and AI are expanding exponentially.. very soon the line between humanity and technology will be blurred. Mr. Kurzweil estimates this to happen in 2045.
Let's followup on the latest information... check out the TED talks, the documentary called 'The Transcendent Man' and the website. Then let us discuss..
What do you think?
Will this point ever be reached? When? What will it look like?

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Where does morality come from? and does the origin matter?

Discussion topic:
Most people would agree that humans share the idea of a moral compass. Not always pointed in the same direction, but we seem to share the idea that things can be right and wrong. We make judgement claims all the time.
Is there a universal morality? A universal direction to the compass? Where does it come from?
